The university aims to nurture qualified talents with outstanding personality and convergence-oriented intellect required by the future society.
Going beyond teaching professional knowledges, Inje University provides a wide range of educational opportunities and opens up a new academic horizon to enhance the capabilities of students who can freely engage in academic discussions and lead the future.
Founding Spirits
Saving the world through humanitarian medical practices.
Saving the world with benevolence and virtue
Inje University was established by Paik Hospital, the first private public interest foundation in Korea. The founding mission of Inje university is to “save the world through humanitarian medical practices and with benevolence and virtue.” Benevolence and virtue are still the most central tenets of Inje education, on the basis of which human education can be shaped and fulfilled. The concept of benevolence is only complete when fully integrated with that of righteousness, courtesy, and intellect. These four virtues are the fundamental ones that enable a person to grow as a perfect individual.
Educational Ideals
Protection of the Natural Environment, Respect for Life, and Love of Humanity
University Motto
Honesty, Integrity, Diligence
Educational Objectives
Moral Person
To respect the equality and dignity of human beings.
To make and practice decisions based on a community’s morality and desirable value system.
Cooperative Person
To respect the personality and opinion of others.
To plan and practice voluntary services for community development.
Practical Person
To have the capability to use effectively a variety of knowledge and information in order to achieve goals.
To have the capability to communicate with foreign people fluently in the global age.