The Department of Civil and Urban Environmental Engineering deals with environmental analysis and environmental technology design, including specific technologies and sustainable development technologies in countries, communities, and ecosystems. Civil engineering major The history of human civilization has always been with the development of construction, especially the recent sustainable development and the construction of an IT base for preserving the global environment are major challenges for the country. Civil engineering majors train creative and future-oriented construction engineers for planning, designing, constructing, and maintaining various urban infrastructure such as bridges, coastal ports, tunnels, dams, rivers, and other plant facilities, including nuclear power plants. Environmental engineering major Today, various developments due to industrialization and urbanization are inevitable, but environmental pollution and damage are increasing significantly. Learn eco-friendly interpretation and environmental technology design for sustainable development not only at the global level but also in countries, communities, and ecosystems. In addition, we will train environmental experts who lead the conservation of local and global environment by teaching engineering prevention technologies that can effectively deal with various environmental pollutants such as air pollution, water pollution, and waste pollution caused by living and industrial activities. Major subjects of this department include environmental engineering introduction, environmental chemistry and experiment, water pollution theory, environmental CAD, ecological engineering, water treatment engineering, air pollution theory, air pollution prevention design, air and water modeling and practice, renewable energy engineering.
Administrative Office Phone : (+82)55-320-3432, 3247
Administrative Office Fax : (+82)55-320-3410, 4048
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